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Schiff Condemns Escalation of Violence in Egypt, Intimidation and Attacks on Journalists

Washington, DC -Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), co-chair of the Caucus on Freedom of the Press, released the following statement on the escalation of violence in Egypt and the attacks on journalists as part of the government's effort to control the information disseminated both within and outside the country:

“I deplore the use of violence to disrupt peaceful protests in Egypt, and condemn the campaign of intimidation and abuse directed against journalists throughout Egypt. Whether from Western or Arab media, television networks or wire services or newspapers, journalists must not be threatened, intimidated, attacked or arrested in an attempt to stop their reporting. We call on the Egyptian government to demonstrate a commitment to human rights and adhere to international law, which clearly guarantees freedom of expression and association, in addition to the right to a free press. I urge the immediate release of any journalist that has been detained, and the protection of both national and foreign journalists from intimidation and attack.”
