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Rep. Schiff Invites Constituents and Students to Participate in Holiday Card Drive

Official Seal of the US House of Representatives

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 Contact: Sean Oblack (202) 225-4176

Rep. Schiff Invites Constituents and Students to Participate in Holiday Card Drive

Holiday Cards to be delivered to Wounded Troops Recovering at Walter Reed Medical Center

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Adam Schiff is inviting his constituents to join him this holiday season in writing holiday cards to wounded service members recovering from battlefield injuries sustained in Afghanistan and Iraq. Rep. Schiff is also coordinating the holiday card drive with local schools in the 29th Congressional District and is encouraging students to participate in writing an uplifting note to these brave men and women.

“The holiday season can be a difficult time of the year for those who selflessly serve our country in uniform, particularly those who are recovering from injuries,” said Schiff. “Many soldiers are separated from their family and friends during the holidays, and thoughtful words of encouragement, gratitude and support can go a long way to boost the morale of our bravest heroes.”

The card drive is open to all of Congressman Schiff’s constituents. To take part, constituents should either purchase or make a holiday card that includes a written message of thanks to a service member. The cards should be unaddressed with an unsealed envelope and should be dropped off or sent to Rep. Schiff’s district office (87 N. Raymond Ave, Suite 800, Pasadena, CA 91103) by December 11th. Rep. Schiff will then deliver the cards to service men and women at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. on behalf of the people of the 29th Congressional District.