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Schiff Helps Secure Funds for Local Small Business Assistance and Job Training Programs

Official Seal of the US House of Representatives

Friday, July 17, 2009 Contact: Sean Oblack (202) 225-4176

Schiff Helps Secure Funds for Local Small Business Assistance and Job Training Programs

WASHINGTON, DC – Late yesterday, the House passed the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, which included funding Rep. Schiff helped secure for three local small business assistance and job training programs in Pasadena.  The three programs will help the region’s economy by providing local small businesses with the tools they need to ensure profitability, and by providing low-income residents with job placement training. 

“This funding will help give local businesses and job seekers the tools they need to succeed and thrive,” said Schiff.   “Small businesses are the engines of local economies, providing employment to local workers and valuable services to our community.  Assisting small businesses and job seekers in these tough economic times is a common sense solution that will help turn our local economy around.”

The Foothill Workforce Investment Board in Pasadena will receive $150,000 for its small business assistance program. This funding will be used to analyze companies’ needs and refer the companies’ management to resources that can help ensure businesses remain stable and viable. The program targets small businesses which employ 25 employees or fewer and will provide consultation services, workshops, technical assistance, and access to capital to emerging and existing small businesses and start up entrepreneurs in the region. 

The small business and entrepreneurship program at Pasadena City College will receive $150,000 to develop a business start-up consultation service throughout the region with a no-fee service.  The funding will help create a series of short-course workshops that focus on business plans, products and services, industry analysis, marketing, funding sources, and fiscal responsibility. At a time when the number of available jobs is shrinking, this funding will grow new businesses and create new jobs.

“We are delighted with the appropriations funds that will enable our Small Business and Entrepreneurship Center to more effectively reach out to the many individuals in the San Gabriel Valley who are seeking to find employment in these tough economic times.  We wish to thank Rep. Schiff for his steadfast support for our community and Pasadena City College,” said President Dr. Paulette J. Perfumo.

Women At Work in Pasadena will receive $150,000 for its career technology training program for low-income women.  This funding will be used to help many women who have little formal education and training making them difficult to employ.  The funding will be used to expand the programs and services available to assist job seekers of all ages in gaining essential and marketable skills and in understanding and using technology. 

“Women At Work is thrilled that our proposal for Career Technology Training for Low-income Women has been selected for funding,” said Adrienne DeVine, President of Women At Work.  “Most jobs in today’s marketplace require at least minimal proficiency on computers and training women who typically do not have access or exposure to computers provides a tremendous pathway out of poverty. As the demand for our programs continues to rise, this funding will allow Women At Work to serve more women who come to our comfortable and supportive environment to learn and practice computer skills that will help them get and retain better jobs.  On behalf of the community, and the clients, staff, volunteers, and Board of Directors of Women At Work, we appreciate Rep. Schiff’s hard work and support.”