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Schiff Introduces Bill to Equalize Funding for Prevention and Suppression of Crime

Official Seal of the US House of Representatives

Thursday, March 19, 2009 Contact: Sean Oblack (202) 225-4176

Schiff Introduces Bill to Equalize Funding for Prevention and Suppression of Crime

Bill reauthorizes COPS program and KIDS program at parity

WASHINGTON, DC – In order to make our communities safer and ensure our youth are on a path to success, Rep. Schiff introduced the “COPS and KIDS Act” (HR 1568). The measure will balance funding for crime fighting and enforcement efforts with funding for prevention and intervention efforts for troubled, at-risk youth.  The bill calls for a substantial investment of $2 billion a year in prevention and intervention efforts, creating funding parity with enforcement programs which will also be increased to $2 billion dollars a year.

“The best approach to public safety makes a solid investment in prevention and matches with an equal investment in enforcement. The COPS and KIDS Act does exactly that.” said Schiff. 

The bill calls for an increase in funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program, which provides critical resources for crime fighting and enforcement efforts.  For nearly 15 years, COPS funding has enabled local law enforcement to invest in innovative policing approaches that incorporate community involvement and coordination.  COPS combats crime and violence through suppression and enforcement efforts.

The bill also directs the COPS funding to be equally matched with funding for the Key Investments in Developmental Services (KIDS) Act, which invests in proven programs to prevent crime before it happens through community based prevention efforts.  KIDS funding, first authorized by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) of 1974, has helped modernize the United States juvenile justice system by incentivizing the establishment of juvenile courts premised on best practices, reducing recidivism through evidence based interventions, and by keeping kids out of trouble to begin with.