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Schiff Introduces House Resolution to Honor Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton

Official Seal of the US House of Representatives

Thursday, October 29, 2009 Contact: Sean Oblack (202) 225-4176

Schiff Introduces House Resolution to Honor Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Adam Schiff introduced a Resolution in the House of Representatives honoring William Bratton for his career in public service as Chief of Police of the cities of Boston, New York, and Los Angeles. On August 5th, Chief Bratton announced he would step down as Los Angeles Police Chief at the end of October. Since taking over as Los Angeles Police Chief in 2002, violent crime in Los Angeles has decreased by 30 percent and homicides have decreased 42 percent, exceeding national rates of declines.

“Chief Bratton has been a leader in law enforcement for decades, and as Chief of Police in Los Angeles, he has been enormously successful in making our city safer,” said Schiff. “The people of Los Angeles, and the nation owe Chief Bratton a debt of gratitude for his years of service and his contributions to public safety.”

As Chief of Police in New York, Chief Bratton instituted the CompStat system, which uses real-time crime data to target criminals and promote accountability. In Los Angeles, he worked successfully to improve relationships with communities across the city and to build partnerships between cops and neighborhoods. Throughout his nearly 40 years in law enforcement, Chief Bratton has pushed for innovative new strategies to prevent crime and keep streets safe.