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2007 Videos

December 18, 2007
Gary closes debate on extending the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.
December 12, 2007
Rep. Ackerman speaks in favor of a rule on H.R. 4299, a bill to extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program.
December 12, 2007
Rep. Ackerman advocates for the passage of H.R. 4299, Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007
October 24, 2007
Rep. Ackerman questions Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on the Administration's response to the presidential succession crisis in Lebanon.
October 15, 2007
Rep. Ackerman rallies Congress to protect Lebanon from Syria and Iran.
October 15, 2007
Gary leads debate in Congress on a resolution congratulating Israel for chairing a UN committee for the first time.
October 10, 2007
Gary speaks out in the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the Armenian Genocide of 1915.
September 25, 2007
Watch Gary make the case for economic sanctions on Iran as the best way, without having to use military force, to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons.
September 25, 2007
Watch Gary lead debate on the House floor on his resolution calling for the United States to support the government of Lebanon against Iranian and Syrian aggression.
July 25, 2007
Rep. Gary Ackerman, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, managed legislation on the Floor of the House that bans permanent U.S. bases in Iraq and prohibits U.S. control over Iraqi oil. The measure (H.R. 2929) was approved 399-24.
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