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2010 Videos

Ackerman Warns Against Unilateral Declarations of Palestinian Statehood
December 16, 2010
Watch Congressman Ackerman speak in support of H.Res. 1765, to defend the peace process against unilateral declarations of Palestinian statehood.
Ackerman Slams Tax-Cut Deal, Stands up for Middle Class
December 8, 2010
Congressman Gary Ackerman on MSNBC speaks up for fiscal sanity, while calling out the Administration for caving in too quickly to the Republicans for unpaid-for tax cuts for the top two percent of taxpayers.
Congressman Ackerman Calls for Across-the-Board Pressure on Iran
December 1, 2010
Watch Congressman Gary Ackerman’s opening statement and questioning of Under Secretary William J. Burns, Department of State, and Under Secretary Stuart A. Levey, Department of Treasury, at the House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing, “Implementing Tougher Sanctions on Iran: A Progress Report.”
Daring GOP on Fox News to Co-sponsor HIPA-CRIT Act
November 30, 2010
Watch Congressman Ackerman invite Republican Members of Congress wanting to repeal the health-care law to co-sponsor legislation he introduced that would repeal the most crucial consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act.
Congressman Ackerman Pushes for SIPC Reform to Protect Investors
September 23, 2010
Watch Congressman Gary Ackerman question the Chairman of Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) on SIPC's failure to protect Madoff victims.

Congressman Ackerman Demands 180 on Iran’s Nuclear Pursuits
September 20, 2010
Watch Congressman Gary Ackerman demand that Iranian President Ahmadinejad stop Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Congressman Ackerman Calls out Republicans for Playing Partisan Games with 9/11 Heroes Compensation
July 29, 2010
Watch Congressman Gary Ackerman call out opponents of the James Zadroga 9-11 Health and Compensation Act, which would provide healthcare and compensation to emergency responders who developed health conditions as a result of the terrorist attacks.
Congressman Ackerman Warns Turkey on Undermining Iran Sanctions
July 28, 2010
Watch Congressman Gary Ackerman’s opening statement at the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, “Turkey’s New Foreign Policy Direction: Implications for U.S.-Turkish Relations.”
Congressman Ackerman Calls for SEC to Empower Investors, Prevent Americans from Investing in Iran
July 20, 2010
Watch Congressman Gary Ackerman at a Capital Markets Subcommittee hearing question the Chairman of the SEC, Mary Schapiro, on how the SEC can empower investors against placing their money with firms involved in illegal transactions with Iran.
Congressman Ackerman on Middle East Security
July 13, 2010
Watch Congressman Gary Ackerman, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, give an overview of the threats and challenges in Middle East policy for the United States at the Center for Strategic & International Studies.

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