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Boswell Defends Vital Nutrition Program Benefitting Iowa's Children and Seniors

WASHINGTON, D.C. – During today’s Agriculture Committee hearing, Congressman Leonard Boswell (IA-3) defended the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and voted against today's reconciliation vote on the budget committee proposals for agriculture program cuts, the majority of which target nutrition programs.

“This is going far above and beyond what is necessary – and previously agreed to by a bipartisan panel last year – to meet budget requirements,” Boswell said. “These proposed drastic cuts to our nutrition programs that feed millions of Americans, including hundreds of thousands in Iowa, will greatly hurt our economic recovery.”

“Instead of playing political games like this, let’s focus on drafting a farm bill that benefits all Americans and enables farmers and ranchers to continue to provide the safest, most plentiful and affordable food supply in the world.”


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