Press Release

December 07, 2007 Contact: Lindsey Mask

McKeon: Continued Job Creation and Low Unemployment Underscore Importance of Pro-Growth Agenda

December 07, 2007 -

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee’s Senior Republican, today highlighted the latest U.S. Labor Department employment report, which showed 94,000 new jobs created in November and unemployment holding steady at 4.7 percent.  With a record-setting 51 consecutive months of job creation, McKeon cited today’s numbers as evidence that the Democratic Congress should embrace the GOP’s pro-growth agenda and abandon their policy course of bigger government, higher taxes, and oppressive regulations.

“Hardworking American families are struggling with the rising costs of healthcare, higher education, and even fuel to heat their homes this winter,” said McKeon.  “Americans need Congress to advance policies that will spur more job creation, not less.  Today’s numbers show that the GOP’s pro-growth policies are continuing to produce job creation and low unemployment.  They also offer a stark reminder of what’s at stake with the Democrats’ job-killing, innovation-stifling agenda.”

Earlier this week, House Republican leaders released a report, Death by a Thousand Cuts: Democrats’ War on American Jobs, offering the first comprehensive look at the full scope of the attacks launched against the American private sector by the Democratic majority since it assumed power in January 2007. The report catalogs and chronicles the weapons congressional Democrats deployed during the first session of the 110th Congress to finance their expansionist agenda – an arsenal of tax hikes, increased regulation, expanded bureaucracy, and new avenues for lawsuits and litigation.  More information on the War on American Jobs can be found online here.


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