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Washington, DC- Rep. Pete Olson (R-Sugar Land) today issued the following statement in response to President Obama's energy speech in Florida:

"The President was in full campaign mode today at a Florida college, defending his “green energy economy” and blaming oil companies for the escalating cost of gasoline.  It’s clear that President Obama is following through on his 08' campaign promise to ensure that energy prices will necessarily skyrocket.

"He took credit for increased domestic production his administration has been fighting tooth and nail to over-regulate.  He said gasoline prices are dependent on global instability and have nothing do with domestic energy production.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.

"American’s cannot sit idly by waiting for the rest of the world to supply us with affordable energy.  We know what must be done.  The U.S. is home to more than three times the reserves of oil than Saudi Arabia.  With recent advances in technology, we can be energy independent from the Middle East.  Increasing domestic production is a matter of national security.  With Iran threatening to block 1/5 of the world’s oil, we need our President to act immediately.     

"President Obama has shown nothing but contempt for the strongest economic driver in our down economy, the energy industry. He has repeatedly thrown billions in taxpayer dollars into his "green economy" which has failed miserably. We cannot afford to throw away any more money.

"With a stroke of the pen, the President can make a serious commitment to lowering gasoline prices by approving the Keystone XL pipeline project.  This will reduce our reliance on unstable nations for oil, create high paying American jobs, bring millions in revenue into the federal treasury and strengthen our national security. For the sake of American families, President Obama should act now."



Media Contact: Melissa Kelly
