Press Room

^(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released the following statement after voting against the 2007 emergency supplemental spending bill, which added $17 billion in new spending that had nothing to do with the war.

“I believe it is immoral for Congress to use our troops as political cover for new spending that has nothing to do with our military needs,” Dr. Coburn said. “Members of Congress are expecting everyone in America to sacrifice but us. We are asking our soldiers to risk their lives every day in defense of our freedom. By borrowing money to pay for special interest projects and other unrelated items in this bill, we are asking the next generation to sacrifice. When will it be our turn to sacrifice? When will it be time for members of Congress to say no to special interest constituencies and our own short-term desire to get re-elected?” ^

“I’m also disappointed President Bush surrendered to Congress’ insatiable desire to spend money we don’t have. By backing down to Congress’ big spenders, he sent a message that for the next two years the White House will not be a last line of defense against reckless spending," Dr. Coburn said.