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Nothing New Here: President Obama to Push for More of the Same Failed “Stimulus” Spending
Posted by Press Office on January 24, 2011

Reports suggest that the President Obama “will call for new government spending” in his State of the Union address tomorrow night, arguing for more “investments” – i.e., more “stimulus” spending – while also talking about the need to reduce the deficit.  Sound familiar? It should. It’s the same thing President Obama has been saying for the last two years as he’s led the way on a job-crushing “stimulus” spending binge that’s left us with historic unemployment and the most debt in U.S. history.  For example:

  • “EVEN AS WE SCOUR THE BUDGET FOR CUTS… I WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT FOR THOSE INVESTMENTS”: President Obama: “[E]ven as we scour the budget for cuts and savings in the months ahead, I will continue to fight for those investments that will help America win the race for the jobs and industries of the future -- and that means investments in education and innovation and infrastructure.” (Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College, 12/6/10 [debt: $13.83 trillion, unemployment: 9.4%])
  • “COMMITTED TO MAKING THE TOUGH CHOICES,” BUT “NOT CUTTING BACK ON…INVESTMENTS”: President Obama: “I'm absolutely committed to making the tough choices necessary to get us the rest of the way there and bring down our deficits in the long run.  But we are not cutting back on the investments that are essential to America's long-term economic growth; education, clean energy, research, and infrastructure.” (Remarks by the President to CEO Business Summit in Yokohama, Japan, 11/12/10 [debt: $13.72 trillion, unemployment: 9.8%])
  • “HAVE TO GET SERIOUS ABOUT THE DEFICIT,” BUT “WHAT I WON’T DO IS CUT BACK ON INVESTMENTS: President Obama: “[A]lthough the economic crisis and the steps we took to stop the free fall … temporarily added to our fiscal challenges, it's clear that we're going to have to get serious about the deficit.  … What I won't do is cut back on investments like education that are directly related to our long-term economic performance.” (Remarks by the President at a Meeting of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, 10/4/10 [debt: $13.62 trillion, unemployment: 9.6%])
  • “VERY DIFFICULT DECISIONS” RE: DEFICIT CHALLENGE, BUT “I DON’T AGREE … THAT WE SHOULD ALSO SACRIFICE CRITICAL INVESTMENTS”: President Obama: “So meeting the deficit challenge will require some very difficult decisions about the largely popular programs that make up the other 97 percent. … On this point, I strongly agree with my friends in the other party. What I don’t agree with is the notion that we should also sacrifice critical investments in our people and our future.” (Remarks by the President on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon University, 6/2/10 [debt: $13.01 trillion, unemployment: 9.5%])
  • “WE’VE MADE MASSIVE INVESTMENTS,” BUT “WE ALSO HAVE TO REIN IN THESE DEFICITS”: President Obama: “So even as we've made massive investments to rebuild the economy in the short term, we're going to continue to do what's necessary to spur job creation and economic growth, but we also have to rein in these deficits in the long run.” (Remarks by the President to the Business Council, 5/4/10 [debt: $12.94 trillion, unemployment: 9.7%])
  • “WE’VE GOT TO MAKE SOME TOUGH CHOICES,” BUT “WE CAN’T… SACRIFICE… INVESTMENTS”: President Obama: "What I’ve said here in Washington is that we've got to make some tough choices ... What we can’t do, though, is sacrifice long-term growth, investments that are critical to the future. And that's why my budget focuses on health care, energy, education -- the kinds of things that can build a foundation for long-term economic growth, as opposed to the fleeting prosperity that we've seen over the last several years.” (Press Conference, 3/24/09 [debt: $11.05 trillion, unemployment: 8.5%])

The reality is that the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats have already “made massive investments” which have left us with fewer jobs and more debt. The new House majority, on the other hand, is focused on cutting spending and removing government barriers to job growth. This week alone, the new Republican majority will:

  • Hold a hearing to examine the harmful impact ObamaCare will have on job creation, a first step toward developing better solutions that will bring down costs and protect jobs.
  • Vote on legislation to save $520 million by terminating taxpayer financing of presidential election campaigns and party conventions – a proposal selected by the American people through the YouCut program.
  • Hold a hearing on the REINS Act which will help rein in major federal rules and regulations that are hampering job creation. 
  • Hold a hearing on three pending free trade agreements that will help new create American jobs by boosting U.S. economic exports by $13 billion. 


The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Lauren Kaine commented on 1/25/2011
    Speaker Boehner: Please do not leave untouched the "sacred cows" like Social Security. A widow, I have my husband's soc security & am eager to participate in shared sacrifice to keep the country I love from economic collapse. People like me (who can afford a cut) must be targeted for one. Because I have farm income, I am able to make do w/ a 20% cut in social security. Soc Security cannot remain an untouchable entitlement: cuts based on means assessment & age (the retirement age must go up & people under 50 or so must have alternative retirement plans) are absolutely necessary because of the insolvency of the program & mega debt of the country. Please have the political courage to tackle this entitlement. The U.S. is down for the count; only heroic measures will save her. Lauren Kaine
  • Donald Noble commented on 1/25/2011
    Terrific summary. Spend and Spend, then tax and tax. When will it end.
  • Gary Thuro commented on 1/25/2011
    Dear Leader Boehner You must keep pushing hard and NEVER EVER forget you are dealing with a socialist idealog who will keep probing till he finds an opening to push his socialist programs to "spread it around". He is an evil person so you must beware and take what he says with a grain of NACL but observe very carefully what he does Be well and stay the course Gary J Thuro
  • Michelle Last Name commented on 1/25/2011
    Dear Speaker Boehner: Congratulations on your becoming Majority Speaker. There are many of us, so many of us encouraged by this and we are fervently hoping you (along with other Tea Party Republicans) can restore common sense and traditional American values to our beloved America. Although the revival of Constitutional conservatism is sweeping across our nation, the irreversible affect of progressive socialism continues to consume many in this country like a ravenous cancer. Those of us who truly believe in the Constitution will stay within its' legal confines, but those who see it as a hinderance to their socialist agenda will continue to destroy the relevence of the Constitution by any means possible. Pls don't let this happen!
  • Joy Randolph commented on 1/26/2011
    Republicans must "stay strong" and not let the media or anyone else get in the way of doing what is right for America! We must cut government spending and we must bring down our national debt. Thanks to the Republican House for repealing Obamacare, now the Senate must followup with the same! America is looking for Statesmen and I believe that the Republican Party is our best chance to showcase them. Tea Partiers are not the enemies of Republicans - they are Democrats, Republicans and Independents who believe we can be a better country if we will rely more on individual freedom and innovation and are less dependent on government. These people did not come forward to run for office to split the Republican Party - they came to make the Republican Party stronger as the Republicans indicated they can be relied upon to do what is right for America. Republicans cannot let hurtful statements and nasty comments from the liberals get in the way of making these next two years count for America. Let there be "honor" in serving!
  • Jeanette Baust commented on 1/27/2011
    And I see nothing new here either. Same old yarn. Are you aware that our cities and states are going bankrupt and you want to cut govt spending? Are you aware that the infrastructure of our entire nation is crumbling and you don't want to invest in those jobs ... mostly construction jobs, to get our house in order? Check our China. They spent as a government to get out of their recession and now they are kicking our butts as you continue to keep taxes low for the rich. Put your money where your mouth is. Exactly what will you cut? It's time for you to take the heat for much of the irresponsible rhetoric about small government, cutting taxes, and lowering the deficit. On whose backs do you plan to do this? Jeanette in Denver
  • roger reves commented on 1/31/2011
    is it illegal to bribe states to vote yes on the health care plan? whydo wesue the state of arizona fcr protecting their state from illegals? why do we have a supreme court justice who was never a judge? with the deffic as large as it is why do we support ANY ILLEGALS? thank you MR SPEAKER roger reves.
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