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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Contact: Press Office (202) 226-9440
***MEDIA ADVISORY*** TOMORROW: Committee to Investigate Federal Overreach into School Meals

On Friday, May 13 at 10:00 a.m., the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, chaired by Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), will hold a hearing entitled “Examining the Costs of Federal Overreach into School Meals.” The hearing will take place in room 2175 of the Rayburn House Office Building.

In 2010, Congress reauthorized and expanded federal child nutrition programs. New regulations intended to implement the law require schools to comply with significant changes to school meal policies, such as new mandatory calorie and fat content standards and restrictions on the types of food served. The Department of Agriculture estimates total compliance costs will reach $6.8 billion by 2016, costs that will fall heavily on states and schools.

Tomorrow’s hearing will give members an opportunity to examine the implementation and costs of the new child nutrition law. To learn more about this hearing, visit

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Ms. Sally Spero
Food Planning Supervisor
San Diego Unified School District
San Diego, CA

Ms. Karen Castaneda
Director of Food Service
Pennridge School District
Perkasie, PA

Mr. Kenneth Hecht
Executive Director
California Food Policy Advocates
Oakland, CA

Mr. Barry Sackin
B. Sackin and Associates
Murrieta, CA


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