
Rep. Schiff Speaks Out On DOMA Ruling in Appropriations Committee

AdamSchiffAdamSchiff·116 videos
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Published on May 31, 2012

Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) spoke during a markup of the Appropriations Committee about the recent ruling by the First Circuit Court of Appeals, and called on Congress to prohibit funding in the bill under consideration from defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court. Speaker John Boehner has pledged to spend up to $1.5 million of money from the legislative branch appropriations to defend DOMA, and has spent $750,000 so far. Rep. Schiff has long encouraged repeal of DOMA and supports the Administration's decision to decline to use U.S. Department of Justice resources to defend the law

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  • kcloona

    woooooowww strike this shit down already!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • edbrent63

    but now, since the US boarder officer wont let me go back any more. then i guest thats it., i am a canadian citizen, and my partner is American, i go back and fort to the US for 8 yrs, and try to extend my help to American people, now i cannot do anything any more, because of the discriminatory policy of the government


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  • edbrent63

    there are millions of hungry American people that barely survive to bring food on the table every morning. we can instead share that money to them. well i also feel sorry that i can do any thing any more to help some of the hungry people out there because i cant even go back to the US and plant my garden any more, last year my partner and i donate 2400 lbs of vegetable to the food bank from our garden,


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  • edbrent63

    i salute you mr rep for your nice and courageous courage to stand with the right for all american citizens


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