Tom McClintock

California's 4th District


During 22 years in the state legislature, and most recently as a candidate for governor in California’s historic recall election, State Senator Tom McClintock has become one of the most recognizable political leaders in California. According to every major public opinion poll during 2003 campaign, Californians consistently rated McClintock as the best-qualified and most capable candidate in the field. McClintock ended the election with higher favorable ratings than any other politician in California.

First elected to the California Assembly at the age of 26, McClintock quickly distinguished himself as an expert in parliamentary procedure and fiscal policy. He served in the Assembly from 1982 to 1992 and again from 1996 to 2000. During these years, he authored California’s current lethal injection death penalty law, spearheaded the campaign to rebate $1.1 billion in tax over-collections to the people of California, and became the driving force in the legislature to abolish the car tax. He has proposed hundreds of specific reforms to streamline state government and reduce state spending.

In 2000, McClintock was elected to the California State Senate, where he has continued to develop innovative budget solutions such as the Bureaucracy Reduction and Closure Commission and performance based budgeting, and to advocate for restoring California’s public works. From 1992 to 1994, McClintock served as Director of the Center for the California Taxpayer, a project of the National Tax Limitation Foundation. In 1995, he was named Director of Economic Regulatory Affairs for the Claremont Institute’s Golden State Center for Policy Studies, a position he held until his return to the Assembly in 1996. In that capacity, he wrote and lectured extensively on state fiscal policy, privatization, bureaucratic reform and governmental streamlining.

McClintock’s commentaries on California public policy have appeared in every major newspaper in California and he is a frequent guest on radio and television broadcasts across the nation. Numerous taxpayer associations have honored him for his leadership on state budget issues.

McClintock has twice received the Republican nomination for the office of State Controller, narrowly missing election in 2002 by the closest margin in California history – 23/100ths of one percent of the votes cast. Senator McClintock currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee. He also serves on the Senate committees on Energy and Public Utilities, Banking, Commerce and International Trade, labor and Industrial Relations and Constitutional Amendments. Tom McClintock and his wife, Lori, have two children, Shannah and Justin.
Contact Information
DC Office 428 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-2511
Fax (202) 225-5444
Committee Assignments
Natural Resources