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Release: Connolly Votes to Impose Tough Comprehensive Sanctions Against Iran

Congressman Gerry Connolly of Virginia, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said House passage of tough and comprehensive sanctions against Iran sends a strong message that the United States and the international community is united in its condemnation of Iran’s dangerous pursuit of nuclear weapons and the regime’s disregard for human rights.

The legislation, which passed the House Thursday night with strong bipartisan support, puts in place strong, targeted measures to punish the Iranian government for its defiance of the international community and to force them to halt their nuclear program.  The sanctions in the legislation, H.R. 2194, are the most far-reaching to date, Connolly said.

“Despite diplomatic efforts by the United States and other nations, the dictatorship in Tehran continues to pursue a nuclear weapons program,” Connolly said.  “Iran’s reckless behavior threatens to destabilize the Middle East and presents a serious risk to the United States and our allies.”

The Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act requires a number of actions including: sanctions on foreign entities that sell Iran technology and services to help the nation develop its energy sector and nuclear capability; sanctions on foreign banks that deal with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard  and other blacklisted Iranian institutions; and imposes penalties on Iran’s worst human rights abusers and foreign entities that provide the Iranian regime with the means to limit free expression.  The export of software for personal communications and internet access that benefit opposition groups are exempted from the sanctions.

“At a time when the Iranian regime is suppressing the free speech of its citizens and seeking to create weapons of mass destruction, these sanctions send a strong, clear message that their bullying will no longer be tolerated,” Connolly said.