Take Control of Your Future

Download our e-book, now available on the Kindle Store! Find the information you need to navigate your way through the student debt maze, manage your educational debt and take control of your future!

Click here for more.

Keep up with Equal Justice Works!

Sign up for our monthly newsletter to hear stories from Fellows and alumni, learn about upcoming events, hear from our Executive Director David Stern, and more!

Click here to subscribe.

Spreading Seeds of Justice

Our new video illustrates how one Equal Justice Works Fellow can start a chain reaction of public service: lawyers from sponsoring firms get involved in the project; the Fellow forms new networks; and new fellowships are launched addressing other injustices.

Click here to watch.

Apply to Summer Corps 2013!

Help fund your summer public interest work: spend your summer working on a legal project at a qualifying nonprofit public interest organization of your choosing.

The rolling application process will open December 18, 2012 and close on March 18, 2013.

Click here for more information.

  • NEWS
Sep 19, 2012
Specifics of New York State Bar Pro Bono Requirement Announced
Jun 18, 2012
50 Law Graduates Receive Coveted Fellowships to Help Those in Need: Equal Justice Works Announces Fellowship Class of 2012
Jun 6, 2012
2011 Equal Justice Works Fellow Munmeeth Soni receives inaugural M. Katherine B. Darmer Outstanding Community Service Award
May 10, 2012
Shaping and Inspiring Future Leaders in Public Defense: Public Defender Corps Fellows Announced
Mar 21, 2012
Student Loan Ranger: Learn What the Student Loan Forgiveness Act Could Mean for You
Mar 15, 2012
American Lawyer highlights Equal Justice Works Fellowships
Mar 2, 2012
Student Loan Ranger: New Federal Initiatives Help Students Understand Loans
Feb 23, 2012
Student Loan Ranger: Obama Proposal May Address Growing Education Gap
Feb 15, 2012
Student Loan Ranger: Student Loan Debate Rages On
Feb 9, 2012
Student Loan Ranger: Law School Transparency Weighs in on Reform


Spreading Seeds of Justice

  When Equal Justice Works places a Fellow in the field, a chain reaction takes place. What begins as a single Fellowship becomes a seed that spreads justice across the nation in our new video.
My parents met and married in the Peace Corps in northern Borneo. Digging into loan files to prevent foreclosures may not be as glamorous a path, but it is just as satisfying.
Equal Justice Works Fellowships
Public Counsel



Drowning in Debt? Learn How Government and Nonprofit Workers Can Earn Public Service Loan Forgiveness

A must attend for anyone with educational debt planning to work or currently working for the government or a nonprofit, this webinar explains how...

Summer Corps Program Overview and Successful Application Tips

We will discuss in detail the Summer Corps program offered by Equal Justice Works, including how the program is set up and who is eligible to...

Plan Before You Borrow: What You Should Know About Educational Loans BEFORE You Go to Graduate School

Interested in government or public interest work after graduating? This webinar will help you plan ahead and make sure you can take full advantage...

How to Pay Your Bills AND Your Student Loans: Utilizing Income-Driven Repayment Plans

Saddled with high student debt? This webinar reviews income-driven repayment plans, including Income-Based Repayment, Income-Contingent Repayment...

Get Your Educational Loans Forgiven: Public Service Loan Forgiveness

For recent graduates with jobs in government or at a nonprofit, this webinar explains how to make sure you immediately begin fulfilling...

Summer Corps Program Overview and Successful Application Tips

We will discuss in detail the Summer Corps program offered by Equal Justice Works, including how the program is set up and who is eligible to...

© 2012 Equal Justice Works - 1730 M Street, NW, Suite 1010, Washington, DC 20036-4511