Daniel Inouye

Daniel Inouye


United States Senator (D-Hawaii), most senior member of the U.S. Senate, Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations and Senate President Pro-Tempore.

Washington D.C. · http://inouye.senate.gov

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

I am confident we can accomplish many things if we carry ourselves with the aloha spirit embodied by Senator Akaka

After more good economic news, the last thing we can afford is another crisis manufactured by Republicans in Congress

Congratulations to on winning the Lombardi Trophy and Butkus Award. Best of luck in NYC. You have already made proud.

Senator Inouye is meeting with Hawaii State Senator Les Ihara and Reps Sharon Har, Karl Rhoads, and Isaac Choy in the U.S. Capitol

Senator Inouye discussed the situation in Syria and Jordan with Dr. Alia Bouran, Ambassador of Jordan and Dr. Jafar Hassan.

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