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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court announced on Monday that it will hear arguments in the cases opposing the Affordable Care Act.  Rep. Engel is a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health, and is a staunch supporter of the historic law. 

“I hope that once the Supreme Court rules in this case that we can finally turn the page and move on to the many other issues facing our nation.  I am confident they will see that these lawsuits were politically motivated and rule the Affordable Care Act constitutional.  The long history of the Supreme Court has produced a litany of cases which followed the rule of law rather than political ideology.  Unfortunately, recent years have produced cases such as Bush v. Gore and Citizens United which were filled with partisan politics.  I am hopeful the Court will eschew the rhetoric and false rumors about the Affordable Care Act and follow the rule of law.

“The Republican Majority has spent hundreds of hours during the past year on repealing the law and returning to an era where insurance companies dictated Americans’ health care.  They have spent ample time attempting to roll back coverage to tens of millions of people, and to increase the amount of money seniors pay for prescription drugs.  If the same efforts were put into job creation, millions more Americans would be back to work already.

“I am certain that if viewed solely upon its merits, the Affordable Care Act will be upheld as being constitutional.  I think it would be unfortunate for the entire nation if the Court chose politics over the Constitution.”
