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Transportation legislation includes funds to aid Ashland residents, employees with transportation and parking

November 18, 2005 - Washington, D.C. - U.S. Congressman Greg Walden (R-OR) today announced that the House of Representatives has approved legislation providing the City of Ashland with a $250,000 investment in a “park and ride” lot for the benefit of area residents and employees, many of whom work in densely populated areas with little available parking
“This park and ride will be a tremendous asset to those who live and work in Ashland , an area growing rapidly.  Giving employees the ability to leave cars at this lot and take public transportation or employee shuttles to work will help relieve traffic congestion and pressure on already limited sources of parking,” said Walden, who wrote a letter to Subcommittee with jurisdiction over transportation urging the support of this project.

The funds will help the City of Ashland and the Rogue Valley Transit District purchase land for the “park and ride” location, a project identified as a component of improved transit for the community.

The investment was part of the fiscal year 2006 appropriations bill for the Departments of Transportation, Treasury, Housing & Urban Development and the Judiciary.  After being approved by the Senate, the legislation will advance to the President for his signature.