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Governor Markell at Work
  Visiting Korea and Japan  

Visiting Japan and Korea

December 10 - 14, 2012 - The Governor is on an economic development and goodwill trip to Japan and Korea. The trip includes several business visits and goodwill visits to a sister city (Sendai) and sister state (Miyagi Prefecture). Traveling with the Governor are Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Ed Kee and representatives from the Delaware Department of State.

More information on the Korea and Japan visit


Governor Markell's Weekly Video Message
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Recognizing Delaware's Judicial Selection Process

December 7, 2012 - In his weekly message, the Governor talks about the judicial selection process in Delaware.

"Who we have as judges says a lot about who we are as a people, because justice is at the very core of who we are as Americans," said Governor Markell. "As we're focusing on putting people back to work in Delaware and improving our schools, having a great justice system is critical to having Delaware move forward."

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Bookmark and Share Last Updated: Tuesday, 11-Dec-2012 11:13:32 EST  

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