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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Uncovering and Fighting Policies That Destroy Jobs

In December of 2007 the nation entered a recession resulting in the loss of more than seven million jobs. The American people expect Washington to promote policies that bring relief and help create jobs. Instead, Democrat leaders are pursuing an economic agenda that is having a chilling effect on job creators around the country. 

Reports have long documented the failure of the so-called stimulus bill to create opportunities for America’s workers.  Despite Republican resistance to job-killing policies in Congress, the Obama Administration is advancing new rules and bureaucratic regulations, such as project labor agreements, that will result in the loss of private sector jobs. Bigger government, higher taxes, and more debt will not lead to the sustainable economic recovery the American people deserve. 

To put our nation back on the path to prosperity, Republicans continue to investigate, uncover, and demand the repeal of federal policies that stifle innovation, economic opportunity, and job creation.

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Latest News on Jobs

Employment Situation

Source: House Ways & Means Committee Republicans

Investigating the Failure of President Obama’s $862 Billion Stimulus to Promote Private Sector Job Growth

Oversight into Job-Killing Regulatory Policies by the Obama Administration

Expansion of Davis-Bacon “Prevailing Wage” Requirements Slow Job Growth
Project Labor Agreement (PLA) Mandates Restrict Job Opportunities
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