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  • The 13th Congressional District & Map

    Ohio's 13th Congressional District truly is a great place to live, raise a family and do business. Congresswoman Sutton has lived most of her life in and around the communities that make up much of the district, and she is proud to represent the people and places she knows and loves so much.

    Originally nicknamed the “Turnpike District”, the 13th Congressional District’s unique shape traces across the shoreline of Lake Erie in Lorain County, captures the “Emerald Necklace” of the Cleveland MetroParks and the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, and extends south to include the Portage Lakes State Park in Summit County. The 13th Congressional District is also home to institutions of higher learning such as Lorain County Community College and The University of Akron.

    The 13th Congressional District stretches across four of Northeast Ohio’s most populous counties, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Medina, and Summit, and it includes all or some of over thirty communities.

    View Ohio's 13th Congressional District in a larger map

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Sutton Measure to Support Troops Included in House Funding Bill

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congresswoman Betty Sutton (D-OH) voted in favor of H.R. 2638, the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act of 2009, also known as the Continuing Resolution or "CR." The measure passed by a margin of 370 to 58. The CR provides funding for several measures that Congresswoman Betty Sutton (D-OH) has been leading the effort on, including compensation for soldiers affected by the Pentagon's stop loss policy, funding for the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Incentive Program and increased funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP.)

Congresswoman Sutton successfully pushed for the CR to include compensation for soldiers affected by the Pentagon's stop loss policy. This policy forcibly prolongs a soldier's service beyond their enlistment, placing an emotional and financial burden on our service members and their families. To help relieve the strain, Congresswoman Sutton introduced H.R. 6205 the Stop Loss Compensation Act. In today's CR, soldiers affected by the stop loss policy will now receive an additional $500 per month for their continued service.

"This is an important accomplishment for our nation's soldiers. We have raised the profile of an issue that has affected the lives of thousands of our service members and their families. From now on, soldiers who are held beyond their enlistment contracts by Pentagon's stop loss policy will receive fair compensation for their additional sacrifice. As we move forward, I will continue to fight so that all our brave service men and women will receive fair compensation," said Congresswoman Sutton.

The resolution also appropriates $7.5 billion for direct loans to automakers. This will allow them to re-tool their manufacturing facilities and produce the next generation of advanced technology vehicles. The funding was authorized in last year's Energy Security & Independence Act which became law in December of 2007. Congresswoman Sutton has been a leader in working to secure these loan opportunities and recently joined with Congressmen Sander Levin (D-MI) and Dale E. Kildee (D-MI) to lead a bipartisan coalition of 74 U.S. House Members in sending a letter to House leadership urging that funding be provided.

"By funding the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Incentive Program, we are working to reverse the devastating trend of auto job losses in Ohio and in our country. The auto industry is critical to our nation, and particularly for my district, home to the Ford plant in Avon Lake which employs 2,300 people. This program will help spur much-needed job growth in this sector, promoting clean car technology and reducing our dependence on foreign oil. I look forward to seeing all the good this program will do for the plant in Avon Lake, for our state and for our country," said Congresswoman Sutton.

Congresswoman Sutton also sent a letter calling on House Leadership to increase funding for LIHEAP in the continuing resolution. This program provides emergency funding to families across the country that are struggling with record high heating and cooling costs. Today's legislation provides LIHEAP with $5.1 billion, $220,814,257 of which will go to families in Ohio. This is an increase of $132,003,768 from last year's allotment and will help an additional 2 million households across the country and raise the average grant from $355 to $550.

"This is a major victory for working families in Ohio and across the country. As the cost of energy, food and other necessities continues to rise; families have been agonizing over how they will afford to heat their homes this winter. My colleagues and I have sent multiple letters calling for increased funding to this program and I am happy to say that help is now on the way. Emergency funds will be available to ensure that our hardworking families will not be left out in the cold this winter," said Congresswoman Sutton.

In addition to home heating costs, many families have been struggling with rapidly increasing food prices. To help families deal with this crisis, Congresswomen Sutton called on House leadership to increase funding for the Emergency Food and Shelter (EFS) Program. Today's legislation includes $200 million for our nation's families.

"American families are facing record fuel prices, skyrocketing food costs and a housing crisis that has devastated communities across our country. In these difficult economic times, a growing number of Americans are turning to food pantries and other relief organizations for help providing for their families," said Congresswoman Sutton. "By increasing funding for the Emergency Food and Shelter program, we have bolstered this safety net and ensured that more families receive the critical support they need to make ends meet."


Contact: Erin Donar at 202-225-3401 or Erin.Donar@mail.house.gov