Photo Essays

February 2008

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Gates Meets Turkish Minister of Defense in Ankara, Turkey

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates attends a wreath laying ceremony at the Turkish Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ankara, Turkey, Feb. 28, 2008. Defense Dept. photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jerry Morrison


Homecoming Parade for Returned Cavalry Troops

Army Staff Sgt. Jeff Lange, drum major for the 62nd Army Band, leads his soldiers during a Welcome Home Heroes Parade in El Paso, Texas, Feb. 27, 2008. The parade honored troops from 1st Infantry Division's 4th Brigade Combat Team, and the 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade’s 3rd Battalion, 43rd Air Defense Artillery, recently returned from deployments in Iraq and the Middle East. Photo by Donna Miles


Gates Meets Ministry of Defense in New Delhi

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates walks with Indian Defense Minister A.K. Antony at the Ministry of Defense in New Delhi, India, Feb. 27, 2008. Gates also met with the Indian Prime Minister during his trip to the region. Defense Dept. photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jerry Morrison


U.S. Army Medics, Iraqi Army Conduct Combined Medical Effort

Iraqi army Col. Shaker and U.S. Army Maj. Rich Ramsey discuss security measures prior to a combined health clinic at the Ministry of Health building in Baghdad, Iraq, Feb. 18, 2008. Mahmodand is commander of the 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 9th Iraqi Army Division and Ramsey is military advisor for the 9th Division Military Transition Team,1st Brigade, 2nd Battalion. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Nicholas Hernandez


Vice President Cheney Visits Fort Hood

Army Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks, commanding general of the 1st Cavalry Division, talks to his soldiers before Vice President Richard B. Cheney’s speech welcoming home the division's troops from a 15-month Iraq deployment on Fort Hood, Texas, Feb. 26, 2008. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Nicole Kojetin


Polish, Iraqi Troops Distribute Supplies in Ad Diwaniyah

Polish army soldiers secure the area as Civil-Military Cooperation group members distribute supplies to Iraqi civilians in the city of Ad Diwaniyah, Iraq, Feb. 20, 2008. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Gabriel Reza


Gates Visits New Delhi, India

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and wife Becky arrive at Palam Air Station in New Delhi, India, Feb. 26, 2008. Gates is in India to meet with the Indian prime minister and minister of external affairs. Defense Dept. photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jerry Morrison


Gates Visits Jakarta, Indonesia

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates signs a welcome book at the Coordinating Ministry in Jakarta Indonesia, Feb. 25, 2008. Defense Dept. photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jerry Morrison

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