Photo Essays

August 2009

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Marines Train for Jungle Warfare

A U.S. Marine reviews overlays to a map while conducting combat exercises at the Jungle Warfare Training Center on Camp Gonsalves, Okinawa, Japan, Aug. 19, 2009. The Marine is assigned to Marine Wing Support Squadron 172, 7th Communication Battalion, III Marine Expeditionary Force Combat Camera and the Provost Marshal's Office. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Leon M. Branchaud


Coalition Forces Patrol Khost City

Coalition forces patrol the streets in Khost City to provide security to its residents, Afghanistan, Aug. 19, 2009. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Matthew Freire


U.S. Army Chief Visits Singapore

U.S. Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr., Army chief of staff, inspects the Guard-of-Honor at Singapore's Ministry of Defense, Aug. 26, 2009. U.S. Army photo by D. Myles Cullen


U.S. Troops Visit Afghan Project Sites

U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Graham Auten and Army Brig. Gen. Guy L. Sands-Pingot, left, assistant inspector general for the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, visited the construction site of a damaged road in Mahmood Raqi, Afghanistan, Aug. 12, 2009. Auten is a civil engineer assigned to the Kapisa-Parwan Provincial Reconstruction Team, which is evaluating the progress of construction sites across Kapisa province. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Teddy Wade


Soldiers Practice Vehicle Rollover Techniques

U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class David Lowry, right, adjusts the helicopter-like harness in a Caiman mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicle rollover trainer on Camp Buehring, Kuwait, Aug. 22, 2009, before deploying in Anbar province, Iraq. Lowry is a civil affairs noncommissioned officer with the 82nd Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team. Other soldiers in the rollover trainer are assigned to the 705th Military Police Battalion. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Michael J. MacLeod


U.S. Soldiers Deliver School Supplies

U.S. Army Cmd. Sgt. Maj. Jimmy Carabello hands out school supplies to Afghan children in the Shigal district during a humanitarian mission in Konar province, Afghanistan, Aug. 19, 2009. Carabello is assigned to the 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Smith


U.S. Troops Participate in Election Security

U.S. Army Capt. Justin Sax, left, and Afghan National Police Col. Shams, draw a map to discuss security before the Afghan national elections in Barge Matal in Nuristan province, Afghanistan, Aug. 19, 2009. U.S. troops provided security for the outer Barge Matal area. Sax is assigned to the 4th Infantry Division's Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team. U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Christopher W. Allison


U.S. Troops Conduct Cenus Patrol

U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class William Lowry examines the eye of an Afghan girl during a census patrol in Helmand province, Afghanistan Aug. 18, 2009. Lowry, a Navy corpsman, is assigned to Delta Company, 2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade. He is talking with Afghans to understand their concerns and identify possible reconstruction projects. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Pete Thibodeau

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