Senator Jeff Merkley

Senator Jeff Merkley


U.S. Senator from the State of Oregon

Oregon ·

ツイート すべて / 返信なし

I am thrilled to join the Senate Appropriations Committee and follow in the footsteps of my mentor, Senator Mark Hatfield.

HSBC engages in massive money laundering aiding drug trafficking & terrorism and not one person goes to jail? Too big to jail? Unbelievable.

I am shocked by today’s horrific and deeply disturbing events at Clackamas Town Center. My thoughts and prayers are with those affected.

The Supreme Court has an opportunity to bring justice to millions of Americans who seek equality under the law. I hope they do so.

House should take up Senate bill to extend the middle class tax cuts. They shouldn't be held hostage for bonus breaks for the best off

The silent filibuster is hurting our ability to tackle the big issues we face as Americans. Let's change the rules in January.

4. It should be a huge deal to object to a majority vote. If you want to block a majority vote, you should make your case on the floor.

2. Why would anyone object to a conference committee starting deliberations? Let's get rid of the filibusters you need to start a conf cmtte


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