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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17), joined with local officials, viewed regions in Rockland and Westchester Counties severely damaged by the flooding caused by Hurricane Irene.  Rep. Engel is fighting for federal assistance to come to the residents and small businesses who have suffered devastating damages to their homes and livelihood. 

“Visiting families who no longer have a livable home or face substantial financial burdens to restore their homes following the floods, was something completely heartbreaking.  To stand by helplessly and watch the power of Mother Nature consume everything you own is a feeling I hope no one else must endure.  In addition, in this time of economic distress, paying for the damages could send many families into ruin.

“Also, our communities’ economic engine is our network of small businesses.  By strengthening them, we can make a dent in our unemployment issues as they are the true job creators.  They must also be given the proper aid they need to reopen their doors to customers. The Small Business Administration will have assistance for them, and my offices in New York will do whatever possible to help them find the aid they need.

“I will work closely with FEMA to allocate federal resources as quickly as possible.  I have joined with my colleagues to urge President Obama to expedite FEMA aid to the affected regions of New York – including Rockland, Westchester and the Bronx.  Helping Americans hurt by natural disasters is what the federal government should be doing.  It is part of what public service is all about.  The guidelines for relief are not written in stone, and I will report all that I witnessed in our neighborhoods to President Obama and Governor Cuomo to enable our residents to receive the level of help they need.

“I am deeply offended by House Republican leadership’s irresponsible and unprecedented call to have budgetary offsets attached to any emergency increase to FEMA funding.  I did not hear a word from them about offsets when they were busy compiling the massive debt under their watch through unfunded wars, tax cuts for the wealthy and unpaid for prescription drug plans.  I thought their position of forcing the poorest Americans, the unemployed, struggling middle class families and small businesses to bear the weight of their new-found fiscal responsibility was the worst they could do.  I never dreamed they would add disaster victims to that list. Never before have there been offsets required to deal with disaster assistance – this is not the time to start.

“Disasters such as Irene show that the federal government, and all of the resources which come with it, are vital to help people when they are in their greatest need.  I want to thank our local leaders, and those that helped people in need (first responders, law enforcement, the National Guard, and our fellow citizens), and I want to assure them that the federal government will not overlook to their work, nor to the suffering of our citizens.  I am committed to providing assistance to those in need.”
