Press Room

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – In addition to releasing a plan that would reduce the federal deficit by $9 trillion over the next ten years and prioritize federal spending, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) introduced a separate report exposing wasteful government spending in his home state of Oklahoma. The “Oklahoma Waste Report” questions the merits of more than 30 federal programs throughout the state of Oklahoma costing taxpayers at least $170 million.

“The size and scope of the federal government will never be trimmed if we choose to ignore or continue to defend lower priority projects simply because of the financial benefit to our own states,” Dr. Coburn said.

“For years, I have tried to demonstrate that love of state and a willingness to call out waste, fraud, and abuse, do not have to be at odds. To the contrary, I believe having an honest dialogue about the role of the federal and state governments is absolutely critical. Ineffective, wasteful, or duplicative federal programs know no boundary and yes, they exist in Oklahoma as well. If a government project is wasteful, it is wasteful regardless of its location,” Dr. Coburn said.

Examples of waste and duplication outlined in the report include:

• $85,000 provided by the Bureau of Indian Education for Disney World tickets, video dance programs, movie passes, and other similarly frivolous activities while students attend classes in substandard conditions;

• $18 million each year to maintain buildings that federal agencies no longer use or need;

• $300,000 for a goat containment testing center;

• $16 million for new sidewalks in small towns that do not need or do not want them, all to satisfy overbearing federal regulators.

To read the full report, click here.
