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The health insurance exchanges are one of the key stipulations of the new health care law. 
Health-Exchange Deadline Looms »
States have until Friday to decide on "Obamacare"-required exchanges.
greg stevens
your grandpa's were full of crap! Darn republicans caused depression and everyother disaster this country has ever experianced,  If it weren't for us demorcrats standing up for all the working class in this country the republicans would have us in a dictator controled world.
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No one knew what was bothering 7-month-old Mya Whittington. Her discomfort stumped her parents and doctors. She was finally hospitalized — and a 2-inch feather eventually poked its way out of her neck, shocking everyone.
Two-Inch Feather Emerges From Baby's Neck »
(Image credit: Courtesy the Whittington family) No one knew what was bothering 7-month-old Mya Whittington. Her discomfort stumped her parents and doctors. She was finally hospitalized — and a 2-inch ...
Daniel Patterson
I doubt she swallowed it. This is signs of evolution!
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Breaking News: Susan Rice Withdraws Name From Consideration for Secretary of State.  
Susan Rice Withdraws Name From Consideration for Secretary Of State »
Image Credit: Evan Vucci/AP Photo UN Ambassador Susan Rice has withdrawn her name from consideration for Secretary of State, saying the politicization of her potential nomination had become an “irresp...
Albert Meredith
The NUT dosent fall from the tree-------
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The Obama administration’s $60-billion emergency aid package for victims of superstorm Sandy is now caught in the crossfire over the “fiscal cliff,” with some critics questioning why millions of dollars are directed to areas far from the epicenter of the storm.
Sandy Aid Package Includes Millions for Smithsonian, Space Center, Forests »
A man walks past destroyed homes on the Rockaway Peninsula in the Queens borough of New York, Nov. 27, 2012. A proposal in Congress would provide $60 billion in relief. (Seth Wenig/AP Photo) The Obama...
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The U.S. is not even in the top 10
Japan Tops List of Healthiest Countries »
Japanese citizens are still the healthiest people in the world, a new study found. (Image credit: Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images) Reported by Dr. Lauren Browne: No one knows whether it’s their great die...
vicente reyes
Lol. I eat what i want and I'm healthy. But i also exercise and keep up with my body. Its up to the individuals to keep at their health. And if they cant then it should come out of their own pocket to see that they get the care that they want and can afford. Otherwise its up to everyone else to take care of the masses that choose to be fat and lazy. I'm not talking about the hard working people that are fat, just the lazy ones that want everything for free. 
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A top Russian official's comments may signal a new calculation by the Kremlin that even its support for the Assad government may not be enough to sustain Assad’s control. 
Russia Suggests Assad's Control Slipping »
Francisco Leong/AFP/Getty Images MOSCOW – A top Russian official for the first time suggested that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s grip on power may be slipping. “We must look at the facts. There is a...
Glen Cauthon
Sure it is!  His military leaders are not "Going Down With That Ship"!!  ;)
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A suicide bomber struck today outside an air base in Kandahar, Afghanistan, just hours after U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta had left the area, Afghan officials said.
Afghan Bombing Follows Panetta Visit »
A suicide bomber has killed three and wounded 11 people outside Kandahar.
Matt Gallagher
Ya killing osama just made them more mad
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Dana Martin, 45, an inmate at the Southern New Mexico Corrections Facility, is accused of masterminding the plan, which called for castrating Bieber
Grisly Justin Bieber Murder Plot Foiled, Police Say »
(Neil Mockford/FilmMagic/Getty Images) Justin Bieber was the target of a grisly murder plot hatched by a convicted killer imprisoned in New Mexico, police told ABC News today. Dana Martin, 45, an inma...
Meredeth A.
I dont really care for him much but i dont wish ill on him. 
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Jacintha Saldanha, the London nurse who killed herself after she answered a radio-station prank call about Kate Middleton, was found hanging from the neck, and left three notes, according to the coroner's officer.
Royal Hoax Nurse Hanged Herself, Left 3 Notes »
Jacintha Saldanha discovered hanging by a scarf from a wardrobe in her bedroom.
Joy Harrison
+Gerard Sanders I agree with you. Most of us are incapable of killing ourselves, so, the people who commit suicide already have something mental going on with them to make them capable of such self harm. Some other people would have quit their job, leave the area or even the country but not kill themselves. That's too harsh a response to something like this. Added to all this is the fact that she had children to live for.
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Golden Globe Nominations: 'Les Miserables,' 'Argo' 'Lincoln' Score Big »
The 70th Golden Globes ceremony will be held Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013.
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