Former Commissioners
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CSCE :: Former Commissioners


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Abraham, Spencer Senate Michigan R 1995-2000
Aderholt, Robert House Alabama R 2001-2011
Bingham, Jonathan House New York D 1976-1982
Blumenthal, Richard Senate Connecticut D 2011-
Brownback, Sam Senate Kansas R 1999-2010
Buchanan, John House Alabama R 1976-1980
Buckley, James Senate New York R 1976-1976
Burns, Conrad Senate Montana R 1997-1998
Burr, Richard Senate North Carolina R 2005-2008
Burgess, Michael House Texas R 2011-
Butterfield, G.K. House North Carolina D 2007-2010
Campbell, Ben Nighthorse Senate Colorado R 1995-1998
Cardin, Benjamin Senate Maryland D 1993-2011
Case, Clifford Senate New Jersey R 1976-1978
Chambliss, Saxby Senate Georgia R 2003-2010
Christensen, Jon House Nebraska R 1997-1998
Clark, Dick Senate Iowa D 1976-1978
Clinton, Hillary Senate New York D 2001-2009
Cohen, Steve House Tennessee D 2011-
Craig, Larry Senate Idaho R 1991-1992
D'Amato, Alfonse Senate New York R 1981-1998
De Concini, Dennis Senate Arizona D 1985-1986
Dodd, Christopher Senate Connecticut D 1999-2010
Dole, Robert Senate Kansas R 1977-1985
Fascell, Dante House Florida D 1976-1992
Feighan, Edward House Ohio D 1987-1992
Feingold, Russell Senate Wisconsin D 2003-2008
Fenwick, Millicent House New Jersey R 1976-1982
Fish Jr, Hamilton House New York R 1993-1994
Forbes, Michael House New York R 1999-2000
Fowler, Wyche Senate Georgia D 1987-1992
Funderbunk, David House North Carolina R 1995-1996
Gingrey, Phil House Georgia R 2011-
Graham, Bob Senate Florida D 1993-2004
Grassley, Charles Senate Iowa R 1993-1994
Greenwood, James House Pennsylvania R 1999-2000
Hastings, Alcee House Florida D 2001-2011
Hatch, Orrin Senate Utah R 1981-1984
Heinz, John Senate Pennsylvania R 1981-1991
Hoyer, Steny House Maryland D 1985-2002
Humphrey, Gordon Senate New Hampshire R 1985-1986
Hutchinson, Kay Baily Senate Texas R 1999-2004
Hutchinson, Tim Senate Arkansas R 1999-2000
Javits, Jacob Senate New York R 1979-1980
Kemp, Jack House New York R 1985-1988
Kempthorne, Dirk Senate Idaho R 1995-1996
Kerry, John Senate Massachusetts D 2007-2008
Lautenberg, Frank Senate New Jersey D 1987-2000
Leahy, Patrick Senate Vermont D 1976-1986
Long, Russell Senate Louisiana D 1985-1986
Mack III, Connie Senate Florida R 1993-1994
Markey, Edward House Massachusetts D 1983-2000, 2009-2010
McCloskey, Frank House Indiana D 1993-1994
McClure, James Senate Idaho R 1985-1990
McGovern, George Senate South Dakota D 1979-1980
McIntyre, Mike House North Carolina D 2003-2011
Mikulski, Barbara Senate Maryland D 1993-1994
Northup, Anne House Kentucky R 2003-2004
Pell, Claiborne Senate Rhode Island D 1976-1986
Pence, Mike House Indiana R 2005-2009
Pitts, Joseph House Pennsylvania R 1999-2011
Porter, John House Illinois R 1985-1998
Reid, Harry Senate Nevada D 1987-1998
Richardson, William House New Mexico D 1987-1996
Ritter, Don House Pennsylvania R 1981-1992
Salmon, Matt House Arizona R 1995-2000
Santorum, Rick Senate Pennsylvania R 1995-1996
Shaheen, Jeanne Senate New Hampshire D 2009-2011
Simon, Paul House Illinois D 1976-1980
Slaughter, Louise McIntosh House New York D 1997-2011
Smith, Christopher House New Jersey R 1983-2011
Smith, Gordon Senate Oregon R 2001-2009
Snowe, Olympia Senate Maine R 1997-1998
Solis, Hilda House California D 2007-2009
Specter, Arlen Senate Pennsylvania R 1991-1994
Stone, Richard Senate Florida D 1976-1980
Udall, Tom Senate New Mexico D 2009-2011
Vitter, David Senate Louisiana R 2005-2006
Voinovich, George Senate Ohio R 2001-2002
Wallop, Malcolm Senate Wyoming R 1985-1990
Wamp, Zach House Tennessee R 2001-2002
Whitehouse, Sheldon Senate Rhode Island D 2009-2011
Wirth, Timothy Senate Colorado D 1981-1992
Wolf, Frank House Virginia R 1989-2006
Yates, Sidney House Illinois D 1976-1986



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Featured Photo
Senator Cardin walks with Michael C. Polt, U.S. Ambassador to Estonia, on July 7, 2010