
2012 Political Quiz

Answer the following questions to see which political candidates you side on most issues with.

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Where do you side on social issues?

What is your stance on abortion?

What is your stance on abortion?

Should gay marriage be allowed in the U.S.?

Should gay marriage be allowed in the U.S.?

Should the federal government allow the death penalty?

Should the federal government allow the death penalty?

Should the government require health insurance companies to provide free birth control?

Should the government require health insurance companies to provide free birth control?

Where do you side on environmental issues?

Is Global Warming a threat to the environment?

Is Global Warming a threat to the environment?

Should we expand our offshore oil drilling?

Should we expand our offshore oil drilling?

Should U.S. National Parks and Forests continue to be preserved and protected by the federal government?

Should U.S. National Parks and Forests continue to be preserved and protected by the federal government?

Should the federal government continue to give tax credits and subsidies to the wind power industry?

Should the federal government continue to give tax credits and subsidies to the wind power industry?

Where do you side on economic issues?

Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?

Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?

Should Congress raise the debt ceiling?

Should Congress raise the debt ceiling?

Should the U.S. have bailed out the major banks during the financial crisis of 2008?

Should the U.S. have bailed out the major banks during the financial crisis of 2008?

Do you agree with President Obama's 2009 Stimulus Plan?

Do you agree with President Obama's 2009 Stimulus Plan?

Should the federal government subsidize U.S. farmers?

Should the federal government subsidize U.S. farmers?

Should we expand or dismantle our Social Security program?

Should we expand or dismantle our Social Security program?

Do you believe the 2001 and 2003 George W Bush tax cuts should be extended?

Do you believe the 2001 and 2003 George W Bush tax cuts should be extended?

Should able-bodied, mentally capable adults who receive welfare be required to work?

Should able-bodied, mentally capable adults who receive welfare be required to work?

Where do you side on domestic policy issues?

Do you support increased gun control?

Do you support increased gun control?

Do you support the Patriot act?

Do you support the Patriot act?

Should the federal government regulate the internet to deter online piracy?

Should the federal government regulate the internet to deter online piracy?

Are you in favor of decriminalizing all drugs?

Are you in favor of decriminalizing all drugs?

Should we limit federal funds to public schools that do not meet performance standards?

Should we limit federal funds to public schools that do not meet performance standards?

Do you support affirmative action programs?

Do you support affirmative action programs?

Should corporations and unions be permitted to fund broadcast advertisements backing political candidates through political action committees (Super PACS)?

Should corporations and unions be permitted to fund broadcast advertisements backing political candidates through political action committees (Super PACS)?

Where do you side on healthcare issues?

Should marijuana be legalized in the U.S.?

Should marijuana be legalized in the U.S.?

Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?

Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?

Should we expand or dismantle our Medicare program?

Should we expand or dismantle our Medicare program?

Where do you side on foreign policy issues?

Should the government cut military spending?

Should the government cut military spending?

Should the U.S. end the war in Afghanistan?

Should the U.S. end the war in Afghanistan?

Should the U.S. maintain a presence at the United Nations?

Should the U.S. maintain a presence at the United Nations?

Should the United States end its trade embargo and travel ban on Cuba?

Should the United States end its trade embargo and travel ban on Cuba?

Should the U.S. continue to support Israel?

Should the U.S. continue to support Israel?

Should the U.S. intervene in the affairs of other countries?

Should the U.S. intervene in the affairs of other countries?

How should the U.S. deal with Iran?

How should the U.S. deal with Iran?

How should the U.S. handle the genocide in Sudan?

How should the U.S. handle the genocide in Sudan?

Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights?

Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights?

Where do you side on immigration issues?

Should children of illegal immigrants be granted citizenship?

Should children of illegal immigrants be granted citizenship?

Should illegal immigrants be given access to government-subsidized healthcare?

Should illegal immigrants be given access to government-subsidized healthcare?

Should illegal immigrants working in the U.S. be granted temporary amnesty?

Should illegal immigrants working in the U.S. be granted temporary amnesty?

Where do you side on science issues?

Do you believe the theory of Evolution?

Do you believe the theory of Evolution?

Should the federal government fund stem cell research?

Should the federal government fund stem cell research?

Should the United States increase our space exploration efforts and budget?

Should the United States increase our space exploration efforts and budget?

Enter your name if you'd like to compare answers with your friends.