Rob Portman

Rob Portman


United States Senator from the state of Ohio.


Great to be @ Tri-C this wknd, good conversation abt our plans to improve how DC spends federal worker retraining

OSU Buckeyes undefeated season being honored tonight @ big event on campus in Cbus at 6:30 PM

Today we remember all those who died in Pearl Harbor and the Greatest Generation that won World War II

42 senators joining me to tell White House we will not surrender best chance to enact bipartisan deficit reduction

We're fighting back against efforts to remove congressional oversight of DC's out of control debt and deficits

Provisions will help reduce the fed gov’s energy use, saving taxpayer dollars. I’ll continue to champion for this imp. leg. in the Senate.

Provisions of my energy efficiency bill passed the House today overwhelmingly and with bipartisan support.

Manufacturing has shrunk to lowest level since '09. Businesses need certainty to expand & pro-growth policies to put Americans back to work

Today on World AIDS Day, we remember past & present victims of this horrible disease & renew our vow to cure & prevent it

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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