Peter Roskam

Peter Roskam


I represent Illinois’ 6th Congressional District in the US House. I'm a Member of the Ways & Means Committee+ the Chief Deputy Whip in the Republican Majority.

Wheaton, IL ·

Going over is a . But w Geithner's comments its clear White House is prepping for Operation Geronimo

GOP willing to get to yes, but not to foolish--we must address long-term debt in the negotiations. Where is the WH plan?

I hear POTUS is heading to PA today. I wanted to make sure he heard this owner's opinion on -

FYI : House GOP voted to stop tax rate hikes & defend jobs. What spending will Dems cut to stop ?

Any proposal that doesn’t put spending cuts on the table won’t solve our crisis VIDEO:

Memuatkan nampaknya mengambil sedikit masa.

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