Senator Tom Carper

Senator Tom Carper


U.S. Senator for Delaware (My tweets and followings are not an endorsement of any person or group.)

Delaware ·

So sad to hear of CT school shooting. Senseless loss of too many lives. Praying for families and community involved.

And from securing borders to protecting critical infrastructure from cyberattacks to cutting waste in govt, we've got plenty of work to do.

Today my Dem colleagues chose me to serve as the next Chair of Senate HomeSec & Gov Affairs Cmte. Humbled by this+ready to get to work.

Of our many gems, DE is in top 5 states for pristine beaches & enjoys tax-free shopping not just during holidays but year-round

RT if you're proud to be a Delawarean on ! DE was First State to ratify the Constitution on this date 225 years ago.

On Senate floor in colloquy w/ re: Delaware Day. 225 years ago tmrw, our state was the First State to ratify Constitution

PNTR helps support DE’s poultry growers by expanding access 4 U.S. poultry 2 markets around the world, including Russia

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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