Rep. Henry Cuellar

Rep. Henry Cuellar


Rep. Henry Cuellar is a member of the U.S. Homeland Sec. & Ag.Committees, Blue Dog Coalition, Vice Chair of the Steering & Policy Committee, & Sen. Whip.

Washington D.C./Laredo, TX ·

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Honored to be appointed to House Appropriations Com, which oversees the Fed budget, allowing me to be a stronger advocate for middle class

Treasury unloads last holdings in AIG & continues to wind down TARP w profit. To date > 90% of TARP has been recovered

Join and their “Sober Drivers Make Great Gifts” campaign to make safety a priority and find a designated driver this holiday season

DoL: 146K jobs were added during the month of Nov. Unemployment rate fell to 7.7% making it the lowest since 2008.

Dept of Energy: natural gas exports could boost economy by $47 billion by 2020. Eagle Ford can lead the way.

Proud to have been chosen to remain in my Democratic leadership position in the U.S. House of Representatives -

Amount of goods & services produced in 3rd quarter revised up, meaning bigger profits for businesses and eventually more payout for workers

The healthcare law has kept billions in pockets of seniors – Texans w Medicare in donut hole have saved $301 million since 2010

Glad to have been at Mexico Pres. Pena Nieto’s Inauguration – look forward to work together on border security & trade

U.S. economy growth: boom in exports & inventories marks positive quarter performance – continued growth needs compromise on

For all those who participated in with me last weekend, thank you – consumers spent approx. $5.5 billion nationally

Economic report: Failing to extend tax cuts on those making less than $250K/year would take $200 billion from consumer spending in 2013

Enjoyed swearing-in newly elected City of Converse officials last night. I look forward to working together soon.

Laredo–to hear my take on the fiscal cliff and how we can work toward critical agreements, watch your local news tonight & read tmrws paper

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