Rep. Doug Lamborn

Rep. Doug Lamborn


Republican Congressman for Colorado's 5th Congressional District

Colorado Springs ·

I joined my Colorado colleagues in releasing the following statement today regarding the shooting in Connecticut.

What I'm fighting for in the Fiscal Cliff negotiations... I'll be on KVOR with Richard Randall this morning at 8:35!

The U.S. should consider suspending foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority as a result of U.N.’s vote this week.

I am grateful to all the people of Colorado's Fifth Congressional District for the honor of representing you in Congress.Happy Thanksgiving!

The Hamas rockets launched at Israeli civilians are intolerable acts which underscore the need for missile defense.

I hope tonight’s debate includes a call for resource independence! We can’t rely on China for minerals critical to our national defense.

Spoke with members of the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association. We need to rein in the EPA and avoid the fiscal cliff.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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