Eric Cantor

Eric Cantor


I serve as the Majority Leader and represent Virginia's 7th District in the U.S. House. Welcome to my official account!

Richmond, VA ·

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As a father, my thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this horrific tragedy in Connecticut.

We will not adjourn Congress until a credible solution to the fiscal cliff has been announced. Revised House calendar »

The Virginia Space Grant Consortium is offering paid internships to students majoring in STEM disciplines. Learn more:

Honored to write a letter in the EL AL Torah Scroll for Israel Unity at Capitol Hill Hanukkah celebration last night.

RT : President Obama's tax hikes are bad for jobs and don’t fix the debt crisis, as this chart shows.

Congratulations to on 100 years! What a tremendous milestone. Thank you for quality reporting & community focus.

The House will not adjourn the 112th Congress until a credible solution to the fiscal cliff has been announced.

Hoy fue un placer reunir con . Tuvimos una discusión excelente y tengo ganas de continuar trabajar juntos

Today's Legislative Schedule is available at . First and last votes expected: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

We need a balanced solution so we can start focusing on the one thing that we have seemed to have forgotten about: jobs and the economy.

Speaking abt + its impact on middle class families. Our children + grandchildren should not own our debt!

Any kind of agreement that we come to has to deal with the primary drivers of our deficit, particularly the health care entitlement programs

Mr. President, let's talk about a balanced plan, but where are your specifics on spending cuts?


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