Mazie Hirono

Mazie Hirono


Office of Congresswoman Mazie Hirono - Proudly Serving Hawaii's 2nd Congressional District

Hawaii ·

I am confident we can accomplish many things if we carry ourselves with the aloha spirit embodied by Senator Akaka

At a time when so many challenging issues face our country, let’s look to Senator Akaka’s example and come together to find real solutions

where people in the same boat go nowhere if paddling in opposite directions. Yet, by working together, we can all go great distances

FACT: If you have multiple federal student loans, you can consolidate them into a single Direct Consolidation Loan:

We recognize those at Pearl Harbor and Hawaii’s families as they came together during great conflict and uncertainty

Her service was of such depth, leading to her canonization and the recognition and honor she deserves, but never sought.

Honoring Mother Marianne of Molokai on floor of U.S. House. Marianne Cope’s legacy will forever be connected to Hawaii.

There are 300 Vet Centers around the country to assist Veterans who’ve served in combat. Get the support you need

On behalf of my husband Leighton & my mother Laura, I want to wish you & your family a happy Thanksgiving weekend

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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