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Release: Connolly Supports Passage of Bill to Put Veterans to Work & Provide Job Training

Congressman Gerry Connolly joined with his colleagues in the House of Representatives Wednesday evening to pass the VOW to Hire Heroes Act – legislation to put veterans to work, create jobs for America’s men and women in uniform, and strengthen our nation’s economy. 

The legislation passed the House 422-0 in a bipartisan show of support for veterans and service members.  The legislation passed the Senate last week, and President Obama is expected to sign it.

“Our service members, our veterans, and their families have made incredible sacrifices for our nation.  The least we can do is take the steps necessary to make sure they have the training they need to get jobs to provide for themselves and their families,” Connolly said, noting that one-in-four Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are unemployed.  “The passage of this veterans jobs act is a major step forward to fulfill our responsibility to the men and women who fought to protect our values and our security.”

Part of President Obama’s American Jobs Act, the VOW to Hire Heroes Act expands opportunity for veterans by creating the Hiring Heroes and Wounded Warriors tax credits to encourage businesses to hire service members and those with service-related disabilities.  Its goal is to boost hiring for veterans and provide them with the training they need to find a job in civilian life.

“With this bill, America can welcome our soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen, and Coast Guardsmen back into their communities as entrepreneurs, small business owners, and workers,” Connolly said.   “America’s service members are highly-skilled; they have demonstrated enormous leadership in the heat of battle; and their service should be recognized with good jobs and decent wages when they come home.”