Congressman Al Green

Congressman Al Green


Proud to represent the Ninth Congressional District of Texas in the United States House of Representatives.

Houston, TX ·

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Happy New Year, everyone. I encourage all to resolve in the coming year to "live and help live."

I am saddened by Sen. Inouye's passing. A great American, who served with valor in WWII, and with integrity in the Senate, we bid him aloha.

Join and their “Sober Drivers Make Great Gifts” campaign to make safety a priority and find a designated driver this holiday season.

Today, on World AIDS Day, let us rededicate ourselves to helping those affected in the courageous fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Yesterday, I attended a press conference organized by the Houston Organization of Public Employees, SEIU and...

To all my Jewish friends on Yom Kippur: g'mar hatimah tova-- may you be sealed in the book of life.

Join me today at the "Hip-Hop the Vote" Voter Registration & Get Out the Vote Rally at 4814 Almeda Rd, Houston, TX, from 4-8pm.

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