Alan Nunnelee

Alan Nunnelee


Proudly Serving Mississippi's 1st District

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My goal is to cut spending...honestly deal with the debt, so I can pass on freedom & opportunity to my grandchildren."

Until the President & his party face reality & get serious about cutting spending we won't make progress towards an agreement.

Total debt before President Obama took office: $10 trillion. Total debt from the President’s first term alone: $6 trillion.

Today the House of Representatives voted unanimously, 397-0, on a resolution opposing United Nations control of the Internet.

As the approaches, we will stand firm on our principles and fight for the best possible solution for you.

We are the last line of defense against an unrestrained liberal agenda of higher taxes,spending, & debt.

I oppose raising taxes b/c it would kill jobs, harm economic growth, & not deal with the real problem: out of control spending.

Cutting spending in a way that doesn't harm national security & addresses structural causes of debt must be in any agreement.

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