Jim Moran

Jim Moran


Updates from the U.S. Congressman representing the 8th District of Virginia (Northern Virginia)

8th District of Virginia · http://www.moran.house.gov/

Rep. Jim Moran now introducing Tom Andrews, a "crucial part of effort to end war and protect the most vulnerable."

Confident NAPA study will show reporting fed worker financial disclosures could have harmful consequences. Provision should be repealed

Pres. Obama signed a delay of public posting of financial info of 28k fed workers. Delay gives time for NAPA study on harmful impact.

Congrats to 's Osiris Hoil on his naturalization. Proud to call you a fellow American!

Glad Senate voted to end DoD contracts w Russian firm that sells weapons to oppressive Syrian regime.

GOP attacks on Amb Rice are misguided and wholly inappropriate & distract from important national security concerns.

Falls Church Volunteer Fire Dept. donating an ambulance today to NY fire station that lost its ambulance in Hurric

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