Ed Royce

Ed Royce


U.S. Representative Ed Royce, proudly serving California's 40th district.

Orange County, CA · http://www.royce.house.gov

My thoughts and prayers go out to the children, families and victims of this horrific tragedy in Connecticut.

NKorea's launch is the latest alarming chapter in a decades long story. Failed policy has gone on too long

Honored to serve as the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the 113th Congress RELEASE:

Today, we remember & honor the thousands of Americans we lost on 9/11 - they will never be forgotten:

Proud 2 support ’s bipartisan legislation denouncing the act of terror against the community in WI:

National debt surpasses $16 trillion - its unsustainable & threatens job creation and economic growth

Generals pushed out, an intelligence chief sacked, airstrikes in the Sinai. Egyptian Blinders? More @

43yrs ago Armstrong took the first steps on the moon: “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Sending thoughts and prayers to the victims and families of the Colorado tragedy

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