Gerry Connolly

Gerry Connolly


Proudly representing Virginia's 11th District

Virginia's 11th District ·

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After 24 yrs in Senate Joe now backs term limits? The voters control terms--it's called elections.

Powerful POTUS remarks at Newtown Ct tonight. "We can do better than this" a cris de coeur and a call to action for the nation

As we bury the innocents in Newtown can we rediscover our outrage as a nation?

Tragedy in CT school. Unspeakable carnage. Every parent's nightmare. Pray for the families. Congress must act now

Congrats to all the winners at this yrs Washington Regional Alcohol Awards. WRAP is a great partner providing sober rides during the holiday

I want to hear from you. If you live in Virginia’s 11th CD, sign up for my teletownhall this Monday at 8:00

Stopped by annual COG meeting to see old friends from local government. Thanks to departing Exec Director Dave Robertson for your service

Stopped by Fairfax Humane Society cat adoption event in FFx City. Please come out and give one of these pets a home

SCOTUS must rule "equality under the law" applies to all Americans straight and gay

Farewell reception for Norm Dicks tonight. A true Titan in Congress who always fought for his district. I will miss him and his wife Susie.

Ever have an itch in your throat make you cough uncontrollably? Yeah, just happened to me live on . Still managed to talk


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