Tim Scott

Tim Scott


Official account of Tim Scott (SC-01). Honored to represent the beautiful 1st District of South Carolina.


Watching 's farewell speech on the Senate floor now. Thank you for your service to our great state Senator!

My heart goes to out the family of Senator Inouye - a World War II veteran, Medal of Honor recipient, and a true hero.

Thank you all for the very kind words today. I look forward to serving the great state of South Carolina in the U.S. Senate.

Happy Birthday to ! Thank you for your service, sacrifice, and dedication to our nation.

The solution to the must encourage opportunity&economic growth for all Americans, and help lead us forward to a brighter future

My Washington office is moving to 322 Cannon House Office Building this Thursday morning.

Prayers w family of Petty Officer 1st Class Nicolas Checque, &w/all families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice

Remembering those who lost their lives at 71 years ago, and thanking the for everything they have given us.

I want to thank Senator DeMint for the tremendous work he has done on behalf of South Carolina and the nation.

My staff took a few pictures at the Capitol Christmas Tree lighting last night, including this one - (photo)

Enjoyed being there RT : Tim Scott sharing a powerful word on adoption at the Give 1 Hope Gala tonight!

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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