US Rep E.B.Johnson

US Rep E.B.Johnson


Representing TX 30th Congressional District; Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology; 1st Registered Nurse in Congress

Dallas, Texas ·

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

Tune into KKDA 730 AM Dallas radio today at 7:40amCT I’ll be on w/ Willis Johnson. We will be discussing and progress of a deal

Tomorrow morning be on Dallas radio w/ Willis Johnson on Soul KKDA 730AM. Tune in @ 7:40amCT as we talk about the

I will stand on to call for discharge petition on the Senate-passed middle class tax cuts. Tune into CSPAN EST to watch

The President’s plan fulfills his promise to the American people. Bold and balanced. 1:1 revenues to spending cuts. Time to act Mr. Speaker

This holiday season, I am encouraging Texans to “Give the Gift that Keeps One Living” and stay safe by not drunk...

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