US Rep E.B.Johnson

US Rep E.B.Johnson


Representing TX 30th Congressional District; Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology; 1st Registered Nurse in Congress

Dallas, Texas ·

This afternoon, tune into on MSNBC at 3:30pm CT, 4:30 EST. Ill be speaking about the GOP "PLAN B" tax bill

Thank you to the morning show for allowing me to speak to Dallas today about progress with the debt deal talks.

Tune into KKDA 730 AM Dallas radio today at 7:40amCT I’ll be on w/ Willis Johnson. We will be discussing and progress of a deal

Tomorrow morning be on Dallas radio w/ Willis Johnson on Soul KKDA 730AM. Tune in @ 7:40amCT as we talk about the

Tomorrow morning I'll be on Dallas radio w/ on Soul KKDA 730AM. Tune in @ 7:40am as we talk about the

The Republicans in Congress are currently trying to bring a vote on their “Plan B” to the floor. Here is a...

I will stand on to call for discharge petition on the Senate-passed middle class tax cuts. Tune into CSPAN EST to watch

New Gains Seen in Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care for Young Adults:

The President’s plan fulfills his promise to the American people. Bold and balanced. 1:1 revenues to spending cuts. Time to act Mr. Speaker

This holiday season, I am encouraging Texans to “Give the Gift that Keeps One Living” and stay safe by not drunk...

Secretary Chu: We need a robust electrical grid so we can fully integrate renewables.

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