Sandy Levin

Sandy Levin


Congressman Sandy Levin represents Michigan’s 12th Congressional District

Washington DC ·

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Joined with fellow Democrats today to call for immediate passage of legislation that would ban sale of military-style ammunition magazines

We grieve together today as one nation full of thoughts and prayers for the victims and families of Sandy Hook Elementary.

More Repubs say they support passing middle class tax cut extension now - GOP leaders should , bring to the Floor for a vote

Today's action in Lansing is just the start of our efforts to reverse this wrong-headed move by Gov. Snyder and Rs. This will not stand.

On tonight to discuss why Gov. Snyder must change course on right-to-work bill. He'll plunge state into deep division

Msg for : Acting on Senate-passed Middle Class Tax Cut bill would resolve half of fiscal cliff immediately

It is a great honor to receive the support of my colleagues to remain as Ranking Member of the Ways and Means Committee.


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