Patrick Meehan

Patrick Meehan


Proud to represent Pennsylvania's 7th district in the U.S. House of Representatives

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Great news: the House just passed a recalcitrant cancer bill to help fight devastating diseases like pancreatic cancer

U.S. Marine held in Mexican prison since August. Joined bipartisan effort to get Jon Hammar released.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families and victims of the shooting today at Sandy Hook Elementary. What a horrifying tragedy.

Message from last week’s hearing and today’s roundtable: need better approach to rising rates

Today at 2pm, I will attend a hearing on the rising rates of . What questions would you like answered?

Proud to cosponsor resolution in support of American Education Week. Let’s honor our teachers & all in public education for their hard work!

I’ll be talking with on WPHT 1210 AM at 8:40 this morning about the Congressional hearings on this week.


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