Increasingly Older Parents Are Ruining It for Everyone

Increasingly Older Parents Are Ruining It for Everyone

Increasingly Older Parents Are Ruining It for EveryoneAs you've no doubt heard before, people waiting until longer to procreate — which has increased dramatically in the last half-century — is not just some hermetically sealed Great Idea that will solve all your career, family and relationship probs and allow you to "have it all." Nope. It's a ticking time bomb with its own unique set of doomsday scenarios that will lead to the breakdown of human existence as we know it, a dystopian horror story of swelling numbers of dodderingly old parents, developmentally disabled children and a dwindling population. Last-minute shocker: It could possibly all be helped with men doing more of something, but will they? Could they? Should they? Do they even want to? Naaaah. More »

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  • Blip 6:20 PM
  • Monday, December 10, 2012
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